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As second generation tradespeople, we had a hard time explaining to the next generation of tradespeople why PPE didn’t exist to protect them from the skin irritants in caulking and sealant products. When training, we realized we couldn’t justify explaining that their finger would be raw and irritated after a long day of prepping or working on a project. This is why we set out to bring TurboCaulk to the marketplace. TurboCaulk allows for less finger fatigue and irritation, leading to a higher rate of productivity.


The versatility of TurboCaulk also can be used as a cap for the end of your caulking and sealant tubes. TurboCaulk prevents caulks and sealants from leaking into your tool bag and can keep opened tubes from drying out between projects. Storing TurboCaulk on the end of your caulking tube will also make it easy to locate in your tool bag for your next project.

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